LINKS! Where to go for the good stuff…
Hi there. However you’ve found your way here, you’ll probably notice that this site’s looking a bit neglected. That’s mostly because I’ve been too busy to do anything about it, but who can complain about having too much work?
However I have my own channel at the ProVideo Coalition, which hosts all of the video tutorials I have made more recently and ensures they’re compatible with all browsers, phones and tablets.
In addition, you can check out the After Effects project templates I have for sale over at VideoHive.
More recently, I’ve started authoring After Effects scripts for the AEScripts site, which are powerful workflow tools that I originally wrote for my own usage.
Otherwise just click on the categories above and have a look around. I’m sorry about the broken links and missing files… I’ll get around to fixing them all up at some point. And if you want me to work for you then please contact me!